The sudden damp updraft rising out of the shaft caught her by surprise, butting her back on the platform.
Toby clung to the railings at the edge of the gravity barge as the boiling heat of a sudden updraft rocked the barge from side to side.
The sudden updraft over the flames made it try to climb up the chimney, but too abruptly: it stalled, rolled out, and angered into a chunk of birch, falling over and bursting into flame.
He pressed on through the city, whipping back and forth between the towers and fighting the sudden updrafts.
Then with a sudden surging updraft, she was flung through a dense wall of sensation and shattered.
When the airliner was pummeled by a sudden updraft, it finally entered a stall condition and the crew mishandled it.
But a sudden updraft caught him and sent him up another thirty meters, getting him right up to the crest of the shoulder.
A sudden updraft destabilized the careful balance of the three antigrav thrusters, and Sulu gave up trying to make conversation.
Then, in a sudden change of mood, a sudden updraft lifted the brittle skeletons of summer growth, churned them around furiously and, tiring of the game, resettled them Hi another place.
Finlay says when the roof blew off the warehouse last night, the sudden updraft of air blew the money all over the place.