Mussina allowed one run over six and two-thirds innings, bringing calm to a starting rotation in sudden upheaval.
At this single point in the interior there has been, in some far distant age, a great, sudden volcanic upheaval.
But sudden upheavals in the global oil industry caught many, including the Philippines, unprepared and, therefore, vulnerable.
And with God's help or without it, he must not, could not, would not lose another to the dark, sudden upheaval of his fate.
It dawned almost gradually on Larry that the cab's sudden upheaval hadn't been a freak accident.
The characters survive their sudden upheaval from their former island home.
She didn't add any more--let him worry about how she was to get them, since he was the one responsible for the sudden upheaval.
They were still spinning and careening down river, but without the sudden violent upheavals.
It was a sudden upheaval, but an eventful time.
The foundation of his views, viz., of one great sudden upheaval, strikes me as threefold.