Seized by a sudden whim, she replied, mimicking the voice of a computer.
He could see it would only take a sudden whim for Badrang to send the weasel out on the shore alone.
Finally, one day, Carla expresses a sudden whim to see Augusta.
At the moment, Rabbit seemed more shocked by his boss's sudden whim for exhibitionism than the possibility of her death.
Within a week he became used to Le Mire's sudden whims.
"If you don't indulge a sudden whim of civilized behavior, you're going to find out."
He had seen Tom enter and a sudden whim came to him to revenge himself.
On a sudden whim, she filled her display with a holographic image of the planet beneath.
Hidden now from the stares of the curious, they moved through the gallery, taking a dropshaft to the one below on a sudden whim.
I think our danger lies in a sudden whim on their part.