Then, as if this weren't embarrassing enough, they were told to start dancing to a Temptations song suddenly blaring from a boom box.
Egor's voice blared suddenly over the console speaker, cutting off their discussion.
Hawkins's voice blared suddenly from some other dimension.
From loudspeakers positioned at five places surrounding the Wartburg, music suddenly blared forth.
An alarm suddenly blared in the shuttle's small cabin, followed by the voice of the computer.
The voice suddenly blaring through the earpiece startled me so much I actually lurched backward.
The piece is spatial but cuts moment to moment from far to near: the procession at a distance, then suddenly blaring in our face.
Suddenly trumpets blared and the people fell back to each side of the throne room.
A few moments later the speaker suddenly blared through the quiet with a too-loud American voice.
A long-silent television the humans had kept behind the bar suddenly blared into life.