He suddenly dashed away to find a doctor.
Miss Pecksniff dashed in so suddenly, that she was placed in an embarrassing position.
The girl suddenly dashed across a street and up an enclosed staircase, catching Aurilia by surprise.
She suddenly dashed her cigarette to the floor, jumped to her feet and said, "Well, make me an offer!
It missed the masked man, for he suddenly dashed from beside the desk, carrying the box of papers with him.
Then after dinner you looked very odd - strained somehow - and suddenly dashed away.
I was thinking about the work ahead and not watching him closely enough when he suddenly dashed into a thick clump of cedars.
But instead the strike indicator suddenly dashed across the stream, and the rainbow danced on the water as I brought it in.
The fire was massive now, moving at its own pace, dashing suddenly forward or hesitating with the pulse of the wind.
He suddenly dashed across the studio floor with mounting desperation.