Jas wavered, the energy of his turmoil suddenly dissipated by the alien's arrival.
"Sadly," it said, "the 20th century saw this remarkable 2,000-year-old commitment suddenly dissipate."
All his anger and jealousy suddenly dissipated into... embarrassment.
As he began to lose consciousness, its strength suddenly dissipated and it sagged away from him.
Solid forms coalesced within the mist, which suddenly dissipated.
Like a thunderous storm that suddenly dissipated into gently falling rain, the hostility she felt toward him faded.
All her energy and purpose seemed suddenly dissipated.
The gathering malice in the reeve's face suddenly dissipated.
He paused, and all his aggression seemed to dissipate suddenly.
Angelique let her body go limp and felt the energy suddenly dissipate from his, too.