The easy sense of enjoyment expressed in his face left it at those rash words, and went out like a suddenly extinguished light.
It changed as a lit house changes when its lights are suddenly extinguished.
At that moment the candle was suddenly extinguished, leaving all in profound darkness.
Before they could gain a clear view of it, the light fell to the floor and was suddenly extinguished.
On the opposite bank, the glimmers of silver were suddenly extinguished.
Patrick failed to see the lights that were suddenly extinguished farther down the drive.
It was as if all life had been suddenly extinguished, and he alone remained to find his way out of this forest tomb.
Off through the woods, Harry spotted other lights, that were suddenly extinguished.
Tom took a quick look at her over his shoulder, and paused as if the fire was suddenly extinguished.
The flashlight was suddenly extinguished as the telephone bell began to ring.