They grasp for hope of returning, remembering the place they were forced to flee so suddenly.
As Angel's about to start fighting with the demons they suddenly flee.
Just then a shadow passed over the window, the white glare of the sun suddenly fled.
Sulu's anger suddenly fled as he reminded himself that his old friend understood responsibility and guilt very well indeed.
With higher rates giving investors a newfound ability to make a decent return on safe investments, many might suddenly flee riskier ones.
During the flood of 1864, the army camp was covered with water, and the soldiers had to suddenly flee to higher ground.
The clerk froze momentarily in panic and suddenly fled, screaming "Fire!"
"I remember it as if it were yesterday," he said quietly, his anger suddenly fled.
Why had they so suddenly fled the Virtual Mode, after going there with him?
She was about to let him in when her husband called out something from another room and the man suddenly fled.