The crowd fell back; the milling soldiers suddenly formed a line.
The miracle was a tiny hole that formed suddenly in the concrete floor, just where Harris's eyes rested.
Residents in the storm's path were unprepared due to the storm forming suddenly.
His face formed suddenly, clearly, under Nyx's ab- sent gaze, as if, until then, she had only seen the fire- bird.
I began to push myself away from the computer when a rescramble suddenly formed into a coherent communique.
Kirk frowned, feeling a knot of tension forming suddenly in his own stomach.
For sure, if the crystals form too suddenly from a supersaturated solution they will be small and flaky.
As they paddle sedately forward across the water, they suddenly form a ring.
From printed page and clippings, The Hawk suddenly formed his answer.
Geordi looked at the old man, a lump suddenly forming in his throat.