Ezri took a step forward to follow, then paused, suddenly panicking.
I took off, then suddenly panicked because I couldn't feel their hands supporting me.
He sniffed, suddenly panicking that it was getting completely blocked.
"As a figure of speech," said the minister, suddenly panicked by having wagered his life.
"Barbara, you can't just walk out like this," he pleaded, suddenly panicked.
These tricks would probably not work anymore, because it seems unlikely that anyone is going to suddenly panic during Thursday's eclipse.
However, these troops suddenly panicked and fled to the rear for reasons that remain unclear.
Even the most hardened criminal suddenly panicked when he realized that this was the day his life was on the line.
The men suddenly panicked and ran back up the slope.
He searched for Krisha, suddenly panicked, and it took a little doing to find her.