Images of that vat of boiling oil suddenly resurfaced in Jack's brain.
Then the boy suddenly resurfaced near the lounging hippies.
While Victor was out of town, Eve suddenly resurfaced.
But when the childhood memory suddenly resurfaces, the programming in her head is short circuited, her entire world is upside down!
These visions were long dormant before the events of the game, but suddenly resurfaced with an increased frequency and potency following the events at the diner.
Stefano suddenly resurfaces in Europe and convinces his daughter Kristen to come home and bring the family back together.
A signature from your college days could suddenly resurface and ruin your life.
After two years with no news from her husband, he suddenly resurfaced, working for the Japanese.
Black King suddenly resurfaced in the middle of a field and attacked MAT with a new breath weapon of energy bolts.