I said, suddenly smitten by another revelation.
Thus armed at all points, I determined to make my wife believe that I was suddenly smitten with a passion for the stage.
I enjoyed it, almost to the last when I was suddenly smitten in a way that sent a whole spoonful cascading down my shirt.
But last year, mainstream Latin media were suddenly smitten with a different alternative: reggaetón, the Puerto Rican twist on hip-hop and Jamaican dancehall.
She is suddenly smitten with apprehension at what she'll find when she enters their room; actually closes her eyes for a moment, compresses her lips, then decisively turns key and doorknob and goes in.
At sea, suddenly smitten by the fact that Hans was not Marquis- uncertain even if he had committed the murders con- fessed-Kurt tried to banish his confusion in the press of business at hand.
The female feline initially reciprocates Tom's feelings, but Tom's rival, the much wealthier Butch, is suddenly smitten by her as well, rudely interrupting her date with Tom to make his move.
She thought of the beach near her father-in-this-life's villa and was suddenly smitten with intense homesickness.
Nineteen men fell, but it is worth recording that, smitten so suddenly and so terribly, the gallant Volunteers continued to advance as steadily as before this misfortune befell them.
Mr. Pond nodded; he seemed to be suddenly smitten with a fit of abstraction.