California followed the basic federal WIC regulations until the early 1990s, when the state's program spending suddenly spiked.
At mid-cycle, levels suddenly spike, triggering the release of an egg (ovulation).
Myth No. 1: Inflation can spike upward suddenly.
This would allow Montana to avoid the volatile energy markets, which can spike suddenly and unexpectedly, supporters said.
Mr. Swig reviewed his project against a backdrop of suddenly spiking office rents.
Mother's processors suddenly spiked into super-activity as she calculated all possible solutions to this inexplicable problem.
But, on March 23rd of this year, levels of radioactive sulfur suddenly spiked, reaching over seven times normal background by the end of the month.
Her emotions spiked suddenly, and a cold flash of trepidation burned its way through the heart of her fiery anger.
The child had to be rushed to the hospital when her temperature suddenly spiked and she lost consciousness.
Asher felt his interest suddenly spike.