He didn't like that, and George suddenly spied him sitting down trying to prise open the bag with his teeth!
Buzz then suddenly spies the beautiful feather-do that Woody has and, in a vision, dreams how it would look if transferred to the maid.
They suddenly spied Kelburn running the other way, and went after him again, only to see him turn a corner with a peculiar, sliding plunge.
They start kissing when he suddenly spies a giant hornet and runs off after it.
As Jeremiah scanned the blurred contours of the land to the north and west, he suddenly spied something that made his belly hurt.
Vic Marquette, coming from a side room, suddenly spied the man whom he had been seeking.
Seeing the danger, he began to rush across the lawn toward the shore, the seven gangsters suddenly spying him.
Jack suddenly spied some juicy wild raspberries, and slipped off the path to get them.
Then she suddenly spied it, shaking slightly in the breeze, hanging by its thread just over George's head.