Birkwelch suddenly sucked in a breath and stared at the mirror.
He sucked in his breath suddenly and his eyes went rapidly over her.
A draft suddenly sucked at me from the darkness to my left, and I instinctively scrambled toward it.
The boy grasped the device, and Rhombur suddenly sucked in a sharp breath.
The chin, which had appeared momentarily, suddenly sucked back in.
At the fence, he suddenly sucked his stomach in and puffed his chest out.
Festina suddenly sucked in a sharp breath and turned away from me.
Then, from the metal shroud, came the faint sound of air sucked suddenly between teeth and tongue.
He reached about, light-headed, and backed into the sofa, half his life suddenly sucked from him.
Prince Kainemonen sucked in his breath suddenly, a short exclamation that conveyed the proper surprise.