Music suddenly swirled out of an open bar, a dance track that quietened with equal speed.
The air swirled suddenly, and Amok became visible in Troy's grasp.
It swirled around them and suddenly swept them up into it-a raging torrent of horned beings.
Thick black smoke suddenly swirled around him as the wind changed direction.
The sky above the island suddenly swirled with movement--seabirds startled from their nests by the shriek of afterburners.
He braced himself for the collision, but the current suddenly swirled, sending him deeper.
The communicator screen swirled suddenly and then presented a very clear picture of the grid-control office.
And - Pixels swirled before her suddenly, a thousand self-orbiting blocks of light.
He finally dismissed it with a twist of his mouth before suddenly swirling amid a flourish of his robes.
She started to say more, then suddenly swirled around, reaching for a carved silver box on the teakwood table.