Life in Thorn Valley is suddenly threatened when humans begin planning to build a dam there, flooding the entire area.
Not surprisingly, a disabled person, suddenly threatened by a role change from head of the family to dependent invalid, can become frustrated and bitter.
Sergeant Smith helped evacuate the three of them to an aid station, which was suddenly threatened by the attack as well.
Ormington-Smith doesn't reply but gives out a desperate cry, like a child suddenly threatened with a backhander from his father.
The brimming optimism he had experienced only mo- ments earlier suddenly threatened to desert him.
Everything they know and love is suddenly threatened when General Norak zeroes in on them from light years away.
If someone we know is suddenly threatened by death, our own fears may surface.
Oddly enough he felt suddenly threatened by her words.
Maggie was more confused than ever, not for lack of information, but because she was suddenly threatened by too much of it.
Incumbent Republican senators in Minnesota and Oregon, who seemed safe a few months ago, are suddenly threatened.