Just as she sat down, the largest skull on the shelves suddenly thudded to the floor.
In less than an instant, Deanna suddenly thudded back down into the seat.
My heart was thudding suddenly in my chest.
Bullets suddenly thudded into the side of the pickup that sheltered them, shattering the glass in the windows.
"Yes," said Dar, feeling his heart suddenly thud against his rib cage as he realized he was telling the truth.
Then suddenly running feet thudded and bushes crackled to the right of the soldiers.
A sound brought me round, my heart suddenly thudding, as if the place had not wholly lost its terror.
Harima smiled again and was about to speak again when footsteps suddenly thudded behind the bushes.
I scramble to my feet, my heart suddenly thudding, and go to the window.