About 15,000 fishermen and other Alaskan plaintiffs sued Exxon, asserting that the spill had destroyed their livelihoods.
In 1978 the Federal Government sued Exxon, the field's operator, for violating price controls.
But the state of Alaska, which is preparing to sue Exxon, sees the situation differently.
Maintaining that their children have been sickened by poisons, the townsfolk have sued Exxon and the dump site owners.
In August the federation was among plaintiffs that sued Exxon seeking full payment of environmental recovery costs from the spill.
The State of Alaska is suing Exxon, accusing it of negligence in both the spill and the cleanup.
Environmental disasters can breed class action suits, too, like the fishermen and canners who sued Exxon over the Valdez oil spill.
The suit seeks to prevent the settlement because of concerns that the agreement barred their right to sue Exxon.
He borrowed ten thousand dollars, opened his own shop, sued Exxon and collected close to three million dollars, one third of which he kept.
I've sued Exxon before, know all their lawyers and corporate people locally, and they're terrified of me because I go for the jugular.