Extremely obese people have begun trying to sue McDonald's for failing to warn them that too many French fries and cheeseburgers can make them fat.
A High Court judge turned down lawsuits by 36 people suing McDonald's for scalding burns they said were caused by hot drinks.
She subsequently sued McDonald's in a jury trial.
In 2002, vegetarian groups, largely Hindu and Buddhist, successfully sued McDonald's for misrepresenting its French fries as vegetarian, when they contained beef broth.
A High Court judge reached a different conclusion in a similar case, dismissing lawsuits by people suing McDonald's for burns they said were caused by hot drinks, mostly coffee.
A woman was suing McDonald's for allegedly having been burned by a pickle from an improperly constructed hamburger.
To the Editor: David Zinczenko ("Don't Blame the Eater," Op-Ed, Nov. 23) sympathizes with the kids suing McDonald's for making them obese.
The defendant's attorney, Jeffrey Springer, stated that Williams' case was "like when someone tried to sue McDonald's for serving them dangerously hot coffee."
Three years after the incident, still undergoing therapy, the former employee sued McDonald's for $200 million for failing to protect her during her ordeal.
Summers also sued McDonald's for failing to warn her of the previous hoaxes, asking for $50 million.