Three years ago, the music industry sued Napster, the first popular music file-sharing network on the Internet.
So the Recording Industry Association of America and major record companies are suing Napster, seeking to shut it down.
There is no pressure point or server system that can stop the hemorrhaging, as the recording industry association is attempting to do by suing Napster.
BMG and other record companies are suing Napster, accusing it of abetting copyright infringement.
The five major record companies have sued Napster for copyright infringement.
The Recording Industry Association of America is suing Napster for copyright infringement.
Bertelsmann and the other major record companies were, and still are, suing Napster, accusing it of copyright infringement.
They did sue Napster, but not any individual file sharers.
Five major recording companies sued Napster for helping to distribute music that was rightfully theirs to sell.
This case encouraged several other high profile artists to sue Napster.