After he was retired, he turned the tapes over to a lawyer suing Texaco for discrimination.
In July, he had contacted two lawyers about suing Texaco for age discrimination.
Seeking a lawyer, he telephoned Peter Gass, whom he had consulted earlier about suing Texaco.
Ms. Turner, a Native American, said she is suing Texaco, accusing it of racial discrimination.
Pennzoil sued Texaco, the nation's third-largest oil company, in 1984 after Texaco acquired Getty.
Pennzoil, which thought it had a merger agreement with Getty, sued Texaco for interference and won a $10.3 billion judgment, the largest in American legal history.
Pennzoil, which thought it had reached a binding agreement to buy three-sevenths of Getty, sued Texaco for interference of contract.
Pennzoil sued Texaco and won a $10.5 billion verdict, driving Texaco to bankruptcy court in 1987.
Pennzoil successfully sued Texaco for interfering with its contract to buy part of the Getty Oil Company.