I never sued a man in my life.
-it took a lot of nerve to sue a man as powerful as Hawkinfield.
In some countries until the late 20th century, a woman could sue a man who had taken her virginity but did not marry her.
Ms. DeSerio is aware that suing a man for building a baseball field is a little like refusing to salute the flag.
If the goal was to stem negative publicity, suing a man whose wife died and a woman who was left mostly wheelchair-bound, was probably ill-advised.
That refers to the 2006 case of an elderly Nanjing woman who fell down and later sued a man named Peng Yu who had helped her.
One doesn't sue a sick man.
The playwright instigated many lawsuits and was a witness in others; his daughter, Susanna, sued a man in church court for calling her an adulteress.
The department is even suing a man who has left his moniker, "Sane Smith," along countless roadsides.
"You can't sue a man for desertion, when he's gone to fight in the army, man!"