They know that the owners will have greater respect for them if they show they know how to sue baseball.
Like Davis, he has sued his partners, and he also induced others linked to him to sue baseball and financed one of those lawsuits.
Even if baseball didn't sue the union, the union would have to sue baseball to get severance pay.
The union objected to sharing medical information, threatening to sue baseball if it gave Mitchell any of it.
Under major league baseball rules, employees of baseball cannot sue baseball.
Leonard Kleinman, the Yankee president, has sued baseball for $30 million.
But Griffith suggested there were potential grounds for Angelos to sue baseball if he was unhappy.
(Flood then sued baseball in an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the reserve clause and to be declared a free agent.)
Flood was the All-Star outfielder who sued baseball in 1970 over the reserve clause, which bound a player and his contract to a team for life.
Some of the umpires who were not rehired are suing baseball for severance pay.