Doherty is considered a pioneer in the field of legal malpractice, making a name for himself as the lawyer who sued other lawyers.
The Supreme Court, in a case involving Ernst & Young, made it harder to sue accountants, lawyers and other outside advisers to corrupt companies under RICO laws.
A key issue is whether plaintiffs have the right to sue class-action lawyers for malpractice even after a judge approves a settlement.
The brawling law firms provide a cautionary tale, too, for lawyers considering suing other lawyers.
One year later, when Tapoohi realized that taxes were owed, she sued her sister, lawyers and the mediator based on the fact that the agreement was subject to further taxation advice.
Mr. Goldfarb suggested that the suits filed today might encourage other companies to sue lawyers who bring class-action suits.
Following the settlement, Jain unsuccessfully sued the stock management company and lawyers which jointly represented Jain and InfoSpace from 1998 to mid-2003.
Mr. Stein, along with two associates and a staff of three, now limits his practice to suing other lawyers.
Q. How did you get into the business of suing only lawyers?
A. I got into it by being an errant lawyer myself; by doing some of the very things that I now sue lawyers for doing.