A man who dislikes thick soup, suet pudding and blackberries suddenly orders all three one evening.
Not a moment too soon, either, for 10 years in the customs house with no action had turned my life to something resembling suet pudding.
If he never saw another suet pudding it would be too soon for him.
I suppose almost any woman can make a suet pudding on dry land.
"A cold, black suet pudding," was how Wyndham Lewis described her writing.
And no one can do a suet pudding to a turn as you can.
Lord, how I hope the suet pudding ain't raw: William made such a point of it for him.
When did you last bake a suet pudding?
The Paignton pudding was also a variation of suet pudding.
The suet puddings and the red pillar-boxes have entered into your soul.