Later in life he suffered acutely from gout, which eventually was the cause of his death, at the age of 38, on April 10, 1728.
He had once more closed his eyes and sat quite still, pale and haggard, like a man who is suffering acutely.
Nowadays, she said, he is full of self-loathing and suffers acutely.
The one that really suffered throughout, and suffered acutely, was Tallien.
We should suffer acutely if we were confined in a narrower space.
In Sebastian's "first attempt at total chastity, he suffered acutely from what might be called the despair of desire."
But the overwhelming majority are young people acutely suffering the political bug.
Although comfortable in material terms, all three characters suffer acutely from loneliness and depression.
Many countries are still suffering acutely from the oil shocks of 1973 and 1979.
These areas are suffering acutely from population loss.