One daughter suffered crippling arthritis.
Perry was known to have suffered severe arthritis that left him in frequent pain, that on occasion precluded him from his duties.
Ratón had suffered arthritis and been under veterinarian treatment for a limp for over a month.
Spriggs suffered with ill-health for much of his life He suffered rheumatoid arthritis, as well as having had several heart attacks.
Other people suffered arthritis and aching joints and muscles.
People who live longer suffer more strokes, broken hips, arthritis and muscular weakness that require long-term therapy.
His digestive system began acting up, and he suffered terrible arthritis.
In early 2003 Lin Wang suffered arthritis on his left hind leg.
(translated from Italian to English) Her publicist notes that Makeba had suffered "severe arthritis" for some time.
In spite of suffering debilitating arthritis, Flügge-Lotz continued her engineering research even through retirement.