She had not liked much about LiouxSked, but no man deserved to suffer such degradation before the eyes of an entire world.
However, it has suffered great environmental degradation.
The basin has suffered intense environmental degradation since the first coal mine works in 1880s.
Your kids are so malnourished that they suffer serious mental degradation before you even begin testing them.
The gallery had suffered considerable structural degradation since its creation and during a period from 2008 to 2009 major restoration and refurbishment took place.
Of course, we cannot exclude the possibility that the broken chromosomes specifically have suffered extensive degradation.
Like a majority of artificial lakes in the country, Rabindra Sarovar is suffering environmental degradation.
Sir Eric thinks the British university system, after years of financial squeeze, is suffering 'graceful degradation'.
To go through life with the knowledge that as the result of her own folly she had suffered such degradation was too much.