"I wonder if he suffered ridicule during his time in the navy," I conjectured.
Marcelino also suffered several different injuries during his time with the Magpies, which stuttered his career there.
He had been suffering from a sinus illness for some time and during his time off his father was killed in a plane crash.
After suffering a further array of injuries during his time in Tasmania he retired as a player part way through the 1966 season.
San San Nweh suffered various health problems during her time in prison.
It has suffered through 1,500 malfunctions during its time in space and even minor problems there can become scary very quickly.
Dozzell suffered numerous injuries during his time at White Hart Lane, restricting the number of games in which he played.
Lizzie suffered from several heart attacks and during her final time in hospital she was released to be with her real family: The Charlton's.
But the university suffered strains during Dr. Bush-Brown's time there, and he came in for criticism.
In 2010 as many as 19,000 servicemembers may have suffered a sexual assault during their time in the services.