But at that point, only a handful of the machines existed, and they suffered from high false-alarm rates because many everyday items contain nitrogen.
Historically Bournemouth has suffered from negative rates of natural increase and has relied on immigration to maintain population growth.
Stores in the inner city also suffer from higher security costs and high rates of pilfering, the executives say.
Many groups of people suffer from stagnant or falling rates of both food and fuel production alongside others who have very significantly increased theirs.
The neighborhood has suffered from high rates of crime, gang activity, and poverty since the decline of Oakland's industrial economy in the late 20th century.
The purpose of the study was to help police determine high-risk neighborhoods that suffer from high rates of homicide and gang-related violence.
Like much of rural Guatemala, the village suffers from chronic poverty and low rates of education.
In fact, they suffer from higher rates of diabetes, stroke, certain cancers and heart trouble.
They suffer from high rates of alcoholism, diabetes and related health and social problems.
Many Indian reservations suffer from high rates of violent crime, the result of a broken and underfunded justice system.