Mr. Bush suffered humiliating defeats in New Hampshire and Michigan, but he ground out a victory by rallying the party's conservative base.
Interestingly, both teams that advanced to the Super Bowl, the Baltimore Colts and the Dallas Cowboys, had suffered humiliating defeats on Monday Night Football during the season.
In Spain in the second century B.C., the Romans suffered humiliating defeats and required several decades to surmount the tactics of the Lusitanians and Celtiberians.
Over the next few months they go on to become the toast of the Californian racing circuit, while Thorndyke suffers increasingly humiliating defeats.
In 1940 Italian armies in North Africa and in Greece suffered humiliating defeats.
March 1989: In the first free elections since 1917, scores of party officials suffer humiliating defeats in races for the new national legislature, the Congress of People's Deputies.
Xhosa warriors had suffered humiliating defeats at the hands of the British Army, and Xhosa cattle were dying from a lung disease imported along with British herds.
His closest Egyptian cohorts had suffered humiliating defeats by the Israelis in 1973 and 1967.
They suffered humiliating defeats in the three games they played.
Meanwhile, Athens had suffered humiliating defeats at Delium and Amphipolis.