ApMadoc applied the lesson to some overly long musical compositions, but wondered whether the dogs might suffer indigestion from consuming paper.
After breakfast, I suffered mild indigestion.
It preyed only on live, healthy creatures, so that it would not pick up any loathsome diseases or suffer indigestion.
Betts since returned to work in good heath having only suffered severe indigestion.
The feline's ears twitched as if it suffered indigestion; it seemed to have a problem with the vocabulary.
While hunting he suffered acute indigestion and a severe chill and decided to go home early while the others continued their sport.
So, of course, I had to tell them, or suffer indigestion.
I'll gorge on hot dogs from the vendors I tried to shut down and then suffer terrible indigestion, which will be my just deserts.
The monster was suffering intense indigestion.
A hungry hoover suffers strange indigestion when consuming various objects or other OOglies.