With nothing to do, they can suffer miserably from boredom.
Factory workers suffered miserably due to unsafe working conditions and incredibly long hours, all while earning extremely low wages.
They will suffer miserably without their father.
There followed an interval in which Jaric tried to sleep, but suffered miserably from nightmares.
He went through Detroit, miserably suffering through two take-offs and landings.
They are mentally sharp, writing books, whatever, but they suffer miserably.
But because each is afraid to reveal this love to the other, they suffer miserably.
After the deaths of his parents, he went to Paris in 1902 seeking literary success, but would suffer miserably for several years.
She was unreasonably attached to it, probably because she'd spent so many nights of her life suffering miserably from the cold.
The other two suffered miserably for the sensations they caused.