Although there were famous instances of resistance to individual officers' claims, some people who protested suffered reprisals.
Many were skeptical of Cuba's assurances that those returned would not suffer reprisals.
Some member groups organized funds to aid war resisters and people in the civil rights movement who had suffered reprisals.
As a Saxon, you might otherwise have suffered reprisals from the other inhabitants of the castle.
"In the small towns, people have become afraid to run on our ticket because they fear they will lose their jobs or suffer other reprisals."
But he said he and his family had not suffered other reprisals.
Ballots were not secret and those who voted against the ruling powers suffered reprisals.
They asked that their identities be withheld for fear that they would suffer political reprisals.
And it is not the first time that pro-Gaddafi civilians have suffered reprisals.
The journalists decided that they should also redact identities of vulnerable individuals who might suffer reprisals from foreign regimes.