Although he suffers defeat and ridicule, he is there to announce that the era of sheer merrymaking is about to end.
During his youth and teens, Merk suffered ridicule because of his high-pitched, squeaky voice.
"I wonder if he suffered ridicule during his time in the navy," I conjectured.
Fail, then, and suffer ridicule and personal vilification.
But pioneers always have to suffer such ridicule.
The boy accepts and serves in the castle for several months, once again suffering constant ridicule from other servants and antics of the spoiled Ashton.
It is the state's view that children should not suffer ridicule and abuse because of their parents' lapses in judgment or their misguided attempts to be hip.
The Vice President, who has long suffered ridicule, used ridicule to paint a Republican nightmare of a "national condom-distribution campaign for grades 7 and up."
All her life she has suffered ridicule and rejection and now the opposite is happening.
When he resembled a recently mated female, he would be released to suffer ridicule.