He suffered spasms that forced him to miss the rest of the season.
Lemieux, who returned in late January from back surgery and a subsequent back infection, has suffered similar spasms recently.
These symptoms are comparable to those of epileptics who have suffered muscular spasms.
Mr. Dole suffers occasional spasms from the arm injury and he continues to undergo physical therapy.
He is listed as suffering from back spasms, but his play had been suffering as well.
Then there was the problem with McGwire's back; he had suffered recent spasms.
Later Burks suffered from bad knees and back spasms.
He would spend whole days in bed and suffered spasms of breathlessness that would leave him half-asphyxiated.
Suffering from back spasms, Blackman has missed all seven preseason games.
He felt very hot, but suffered spasms of shivering.