On the march back his army was harassed by Cossacks, and suffered disease and starvation.
They suffered disease, starvation for a while, and numerous hardships.
They were held in separated facilities and suffered severe conditions and starvation.
Very likely he would make the discovery himself when I should have suffered starvation for nothing.
Since that time, it has suffered disease, starvation and decimation, due to unrestrained flooding.
A child suffering extreme starvation in India, 1972.
While they were indeed isolated, they represented only a small fraction of all teachers who suffer intellectual starvation.
Due to allied blockades preventing the import of food, the civil population suffered malnutrition and starvation.
Once relieved by another expedition, they suffered hardships and starvation on the return journey to Zanzibar.
On this island he suffered mosquitoes, a typhoon, and starvation.