The weapon swung around and started to return, but didn't have sufficient altitude to clear the rock.
Far faster and stronger, he outflew it easily, but must gain sufficient altitude for a second stoop.
It can be performed on any flat piece of terrain, as the glider is given sufficient altitude during the launch.
It now appears we have sufficient altitude to clear them.
Once the aircraft had attained sufficient altitude it could be angled into level flight.
By this time, the aircraft had lost sufficient altitude that there was not time to restart the engines.
Therefore, by definition for spaceflight to occur, sufficient altitude is necessary.
After gaining sufficient altitude, Arnauld's plane left for the British coast.
The sled also gave him sufficient altitude to keep an eye on what was happening everywhere on the Bay.
He was at a sufficient altitude to be able to see Onot and the soldiers at the same time.