It would seem that if a photographer has what it takes, then that should be sufficient criteria on which to base a hiring decision.
Denial of one's illness is not a sufficient criterion to establish a patient's incapacity to refuse treatment.
The club is nominally private, though I found showing up hungry, curious and cheerful to be sufficient criteria for entrance.
Correspondingly, high-level achievements in research all too easily serve as a sufficient criterion for academic excellence.
This conjecture was proven false but led to the (valid) sufficient criteria on absolute stability.
Two sufficient criteria are that f be open or closed.
But it insists that a small amount or a short duration are not, per se , sufficient criteria.
This is in the line of "necessary but not sufficient criteria" of course.
They recognize that a method for evaluating the social and environmental implications of a business must be devised, and are working towards a sufficient criteria.
But as a sufficient criterion of truth, it has no further utility or authority.