When sufficient momentum was obtained, the operator would jump off the wheel and turn the magneto on.
The speaker had built sufficient momentum to survive his mistake.
It had not possessed sufficient momentum to obtain true flight in that brief rush upward.
This size ratio is needed in order for the resulting system to possess sufficient angular momentum to match the current orbital configuration.
Collisions occur when two galaxies pass directly through each other and have sufficient relative momentum not to merge.
The art of leadership is to maintain sufficient forward momentum to control events and steer public policy without losing public support.
Then, when sufficient momentum had been attained, it would commence to climb swiftly upward.
If the rocking builds sufficient momentum the seats will flip upside-down and end-over-end.
The word bukkake is often used in Japanese to describe pouring out water with sufficient momentum to cause splashing or spilling.
Its capture provided the 32nd with sufficient momentum to gain all assigned objectives.