Although 13b defines it as affirmative I am concerned that this does not provide sufficient democratic oversight.
It's not like the banks making these loans don't have sufficient regulatory oversight.
They clearly failed to provide sufficient oversight.
I also regret that this bill does not do enough to help average homeowners, or provide sufficient oversight of Wall Street.
Next week, a Senate subcommittee will hold a hearing on whether there is sufficient oversight for gene therapy.
Congress has failed to exercise sufficient oversight, seldom questioning the use to which its appropriations were being put.
That left sufficient oversight in the secretary's office to win the acquiescence of Secretary Bill Richardson.
Ms. Minow said the group has concerns that Qualcomm's board is not providing sufficient oversight.
It is time to "look again as to whether there is sufficient independent oversight of executive management," Mr. Talbut said.
They will be able to petition for re-entry to the country by demonstrating that they are now subject to sufficient oversight.