The first option is to continue working as a part-time employee in the field, until you attain sufficient seniority (currently around four years), in order to transfer directly to Vancouver Post (Emergency or Transfer fleet).
Lacking an available commander of sufficient seniority, Kesselring assumed personal command of Gruppe Crüwell.
Naturally he called Chief Inspector Davy "Father" behind his back as everyone else did; but he was not yet of sufficient seniority to do such a thing to his face.
Their rivalry had started soon after the Sullivan's departure from Dynasia when the two deans began squabbling over who among the Faculty had sufficient seniority to sit in the command area.
After the 1984 elections, Senator Helms had sufficient seniority to choose between the chairmanship of the Foreign Relations Commttee and the Agriculture Committee.
Only employees with sufficient seniority (typically, half-way through their career) become eligible for promotion.
After re-election, he advanced to sufficient seniority to chair the committee, 1945-47.
The president-elect wanted to appoint him, but others felt that McGovern at age 38 lacked sufficient seniority.
Her white clinic coat, unbuttoned, was knee length-the type reserved unofficially only for professors or those with sufficient seniority in the teaching community.
General Motors' policies dictate that if a worker has sufficient seniority and is laid off because plant operations are reduced, he or she is offered a job at another plant.