Howard failed to show sufficient speed to qualify and missed the race.
The men could not correct their aim with sufficient speed to hit Argus.
The danger, however, is that both may falter before the economy picks up sufficient speed.
Even if everyone did agree and took all necessary action with sufficient speed, it's possible this might make little or no difference.
It should carry enough coal to steam one week at full power with "sufficient speed to make good use of its ram".
He produced a defensive play that few would think of with sufficient speed at the table.
The only way to break the object is to strike the surface with sufficient speed at a focused point of impact.
I believe I read with sufficient speed and talk quickly enough for no one to accuse me of such things.
This was the first camera having sufficient speed and image quality for candid photography in available light conditions.
Once it gained sufficient speed, the old plane straightened out.