Instead, I applied myself to beating the bronze gong with sufficient vigour to disguise my chagrin.
Later work by corn breeders produced inbred lines with sufficient vigor for practical production of a commercial hybrid in a single step, the single-cross hybrids.
"Standard & Poor's is concerned that the banks are currently not addressing these with sufficient vigor," Ms. Nemoto said in a statement.
It also left a bad taste in the mouths of journalists who believed the press generally had not dug into Watergate with sufficient vigor.
"We don't want a repeat of 1991," Ms. Albright said today, "when the international community did not react with sufficient vigor and force."
The dim blue magical lamps would light as soon as he started moving around with sufficient vigor; he'd learned by now that they always did.
In recent weeks, some critics have charged that the S.E.C. has not policed the securities industry with sufficient vigor.
Perhaps this had been intentional: if the champions did not fight with sufficient vigor, thirst and hunger would prompt them.
It has not grappled with these problems in time and with sufficient vigour.
The report also says: ' Unfortunately, the Member States have not followed the advice of their agencies regarding sanctions with sufficient vigour.