In her response she relied upon a case that holds that legally sufficient warrants should not be rejected on technical grounds.
Of Divorce for adulterie and Marrying againe; that there is no sufficient warrant so to do.
His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant.
May you not have answered for your sister without sufficient warrant?
I told him, the other day, that an order of any kind from you would be his sufficient warrant for its delivery to you.
Even within formal research settings, there is often disagreement about how much and what kinds of evidence provide sufficient warrant to claim that something is 'knowledge'.
An unpublished treatise, "De Objectionibus bibliae", has also been sometimes attributed to Krämer, but without sufficient warrant.
Perhaps, too, the judicial decision might induce change of opinion without sufficient warrant.
The inquest cleared the horse's character, and your lordship's recommendation, or mine, would be sufficient warrant for him.
The philosophical burden of proof or onus (probandi) is the obligation on a party in an epistemic dispute to provide sufficient warrant for their position.