The fact that the public was not sufficiently educated to make the scheme work militated against the success of this administrative venture.
He's sufficiently educated to regard himself as a scholar, and he's eager to prove his prowess in logical dispute.
Many temps are sufficiently educated and skilled to learn a factory job quickly, even a complex one.
There were doubts too about his sufficiently educated to become a priest but he was willing to be a Jesuit brother.
The public mind was just sufficiently educated in the impossibility of flying to appreciate Mr. Butteridge at his proper value.
Bureaucrats have complained over the years that Japan's youth need to be educated sufficiently about sexual diseases before the pill becomes a common contraceptive.
And if they weren't sufficiently educated and informed to know that, they really shouldn't be allowed to hold a gun, much less point it at anyone.
One of the reasons workfare doesn't pay off is that recipients are not sufficiently educated.
They know: I've been educated sufficiently.
Within the educated classes there was the belief that women needed to be sufficiently educated to be intelligent and agreeable interlocutors to their husbands.