The implication was clear: anyone not sufficiently engaged in the moral turmoil of the 60's was unfit to lead America today.
But they contend that able members of Washington's bureaucracy have not been sufficiently engaged in solving the region's problems.
And he appeared to Hannah and Eddie to be both strong enough and sufficiently engaged by his task to have gone on splitting wood all day.
One is sufficiently engaged to want to finish the book, but if it ended with everyone eaten alive by liobams, one would hardly care.
We never become sufficiently engaged with these characters and the amorous stakes that might alter their lives.
I once started a novel by Naipaul, and couldn't feel sufficiently engaged to continue.
The Royal Navy must be sufficiently engaged in the North Sea and the Mediterranean so that it could not intervene in the crossing.
Success: Refas felt sufficiently engaged to speak up.
Madam President, I am deeply disappointed to find President Barroso not sufficiently engaged in dealing with Roma issues.
People are not sufficiently engaged in a positive way by what Europe is doing.