And it is uncertain whether the foreign-based players can be integrated sufficiently in a limited time.
In particular, it would like to reform the FRACs, which are perceived as being an instrument of central government and not sufficiently integrated into local structures.
The new law shifted the burden of proof to the individual immigrant, who now has to show that they are sufficiently integrated into Austrian society.
That you are both sufficiently well integrated to withstand the shock of your trouble-making young lives?
Although intriguing as pottery, it was not sufficiently integrated strategraphically to postulate a distinct phase.
If the provision is not sufficiently integrated into the scheme of regulation, it cannot be sustained under the second branch of s. 91(2).
The decision overturned a lower court ruling that had found Jacksonville's school system to be sufficiently integrated.
In 1987, the schools were deemed sufficiently integrated to to allow the court-ordered busing system to be ended.
Their activities against numerous and systematic violations of human rights are not sufficiently integrated.
Paragraph 20 of the resolution makes the point that environmental policy is not sufficiently integrated into policy on SMEs.