At the same time the scope of the "routine governmental actions" in question was made sufficiently narrow and supplied with detailed examples.
However, lasers of sufficiently narrow linewidth to allow the signal and LO to originate from different lasers do exist.
The Potomac is sufficiently narrow in places to afford shore fishing opportunities.
Schott and many scientists and engineers afterwards applied the additivity principle to experimental data measured in their own laboratory within sufficiently narrow composition ranges (local glass models).
The fighting at the door was a greater strain now with fewer of them to hand, but the opening was sufficiently narrow that they could hold it even so.
Sufficiently narrow to offer protection, the entrance allows water to enter the bay while restricting the waves.
In the study of wireless channels, narrowband implies that the channel under consideration is sufficiently narrow that its frequency response can be considered flat.
When a new material is being measured, it may be necessary to test and verify if the bandwidth is sufficiently narrow.
One must note that the cumulant method is valid for small and sufficiently narrow G(Γ).
This explanation depends on the jet making a sufficiently narrow angle with the observer's line-of-sight to explain the degree of superluminal motion seen in a particular case.